Home Exchange connect Connection guide of Binance exchange API Key

Connection guide of Binance exchange API Key

Last updated on Aug 16, 2024

It requires two steps to connect the Binance exchange API,

Step 1: Create API in Binance exchange;

Step 2: Connect the API in HXR Trade;

Step 1: Create API

  1. Open the homepage of Binance(binance.com) exchange and log in to the Binance account. Then place the cursor on the [Personal Center] icon on the upper right of the page, and click the [API Management] button.


  1. Open the API management page, read the warning message carefully, then uncheck warning message manually.


As February 2023, Binance enhanced the security level of API Key authorization and API Key use, users need to uncheck the Warning message and then activate the API restrictions.

Here is the full Binance API Key Default Security Controls Warning by February 2023, Please Check Carefully before you uncheck it.


  1. Click the [Create API] button.


  1. Choose API Key type [System Generated].


  1. Label API Key for easy identification and management by yourself.


  1. Finish the Security Verification


  1. After the creation,you will get an API key and a Secret key which will be used in setp 2.


  1. Click [Edit restrictions] to edit the rules.


  1. Check at least Spot Trading and Futures Trading selections.


Save changes and finish API Key creation.

Step 2: Connect the API

  1. Log in to the HXR Trade(https://hxr.com/app/), in the Portfolio page, click the [Exchange connect] button to switch to the connect exchange page.


  1. Find Binance Exchange and click the [Connect a new] button.


  1. Input a Memo for easy identification and management, and Input the API key and secret key just created in the Binance.


Click the [Connect] button to complete the creation.

  1. After the connection is completed, click the [Test] button to check the connection status. If the 'Nice job' icon appears, it means the connection is successful.



To avoid unnecessary losses, HXR Trade highly recommends its users and clients DO NOT connect multiple HXR Trade-like services with one and the same API Key.